Life| February 2018 Recap and March 2018 Goals

By March 11, 2018 Life No Comments
I’m a few days late with this post, but better late than never! So for the month of February I had the following goals below:
February Recap
  1. 30 new followers for J-CODE on Instagram and Facebook and 10 new followers for the Joy Luck Club
  2. Participate in 2 new JLC experiences
  3. Complete 6 or more workouts
  4. Book one new client for J-CODE
  5. Connect with friends from college in person
So for February I accomplished the following:
What I Accomplished
    1. Gained 5 new members for the Joy Luck Club-JLC (Join now) and 5 new followers on Instagram
    2. Hosted 2 new JLC experiences- 1st Saturdays (I think it’s a wrap for me with this) and Trap Yoga-which was AWESOME!
    3. Completed 9 workouts (#Summer18 Body in progress)
    4. Connected with my line sisters for a baby shower! (Madison is here now!)
I did not book a new client for J-CODE but did have quite a few inquiries and leads from people in my network. I have not posted on my business social media in weeks and that’s partly the reason why I did not meet my goal of gaining 30 new followers. People want consistent content that adds value to their lives and that was not a priority for me. I think my business and social media goals are intertwined and the success of my business and me meeting these goals depend solely on the work that I put into it.
So here’s my focus for the month of March:
March Goals
    1. 25 new followers for J-CODE on Instagram and Facebook and 10 new followers for the Joy Luck Club
    2. Connect with 5 friends in person
    3. Participate in 2 new JLC experiences
    4. Run 20 miles or more (I’m running the Brooklyn Half in May wish me luck)
There’s still some work to do!
Accomplishing these goals will help me close out Quarter 1 of 2018 strong!

How are you finishing out Quarter 1?

About Janique

Janique is an educational professional in the New York City area. She is a teacher by nature and uses her writing to express her thoughts and feelings on topics ranging from personal faith to trendy fashion.

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