3 Tips to Set Up a Goals and Rewards System with Freebie!

I know it’s been a minute, please forgive me. Work has been insanely busy over the last few months. I’ve had to prepare for an intense state visit, develop and implement targeted intervention plans for my students and teachers, complete observation cycles, and a lot more. The life of an administrator is no joke, but I do love it.
I’ve drafted TONS of posts for the Joy Journal, but did not publish any because I didn’t put the final touches on them. Also, I write A LOT, but sometimes what I write may not be relevant for my readers, so I want to make sure that I’m providing you with quality content and not just the randomness that runs through my mind. I want this place to be a resource for YOU. So my focus has changed quite a bit in how I will deliver content and engage my readers and audience. I have been trying to refine my focus and vision for this new space, and now I can go full force.
To help keep me accountable to this, I’ve developed my own weekly goal and rewards system. *Full disclosure* I spend wayyyyy too much of my “free time” on social media. I say “free time” because it is definitely limited. At work all forms of social media are blocked (unless you disconnect from the wifi) so when I get home around 6:00pm (on average) I try to catch up with what I missed before I start my night routine. Well I guess that is part of my routine then. I guess FOMO (Fear of missing out) really kicks in and I have to know what’s happening, which most of the time is nothing.
In order to reach your goals you have to Proclaim it. Prepare for it. Proceed to work for it. Proclaim. Prepare. Proceed. Click To Tweet
So here is my system to keep me on target for reaching my weekly goals
  1. Set Intentional Goals- think of SMART Goals. I set the top three goals for the week and/or month. You do not want to set too many goals because it will be difficult to track progress and implement an action plan. These can be personal goals or professional goals. Record them in your planner, journal, notes section on your phone, or wherever you will check it frequently. Be specific with what you want to accomplish.
  2. Identify the rewards- you will give yourself when you achieve your goal. i.e Goal 1- Journal for five minutes a day for three weeks. Reward: Purchase fancy new pens for journaling. The reward does not require money. It could be something as simple as getting extra sleep or maybe a cheat day. The reward should match the goal. You may want to set a monthly budget for rewards if you choose to purchase anything.
  3. Track your progress Once you set goals you need to create an action plan. The action plan should include what you will do and how often you will do the action to reach your goal. This will help you track your progress and make the necessary adjustments to reach your goals. Track your progress in the same place that you write your goals. This will help you review the steps you have taken and the steps you need to take to reach your goals.

Freebie- Download the Goal setting and Rewards worksheet!

How do you hold yourself accountable for reaching your goals.

About Janique

Janique is an educational professional in the New York City area. She is a teacher by nature and uses her writing to express her thoughts and feelings on topics ranging from personal faith to trendy fashion.

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